Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Birthday

Yes, I know. I've fallen behind. So I'm going to go back and try and catch up! I hate that I've gotten so off track on this but I know I can do better. So here's the first step to getting on track!

My birthday! Cash was SO excited for my birthday which he referred to as "mommy's hooday" he just couldn't wait to have a "Hooday Party" with "Hooday Party Hats" and a "Hooday Party Cake". Mom and Greg came up for the weekend before and brought all the supplies. 
Here are some highlights of the day.
Cash helped Grammie decorate.

This is the amazing Cake my mom made for me in the Cake class she took. It was SOOOOOO good!

 He blew on the horn all day......Great idea mom!
 Cash wouldn't take the hat off all day. Mom brought him some new puzzles to play with and he loved them! Thanks mom!

And of course, We had to be a bird with the hat!

Everyone at the "Hooday Party"

He had the hat on all day.......

I mean it, ALL day!!!!! hahaha, it was a good "Hooday"!

Friday, January 28, 2011

A boy and his Jet Pack

After some thought, maybe my bra isn't the best "Jet Pack". Cash was asking for a back pack so he could fly like Oso. I'm not sure why he can't fly with his Buzz wings. Apparently those only suffice when he is Buzz Lightyear. When he is Special Agent Oso, he needs a back pack. Well the only back pack we have is one for grown ups. He made it work!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Race Cars

All day long Cash has been wanting to play with his remote control bumper cars with Jake. The batteries were about dead and to replace them it required a screwdriver and I just haven't been feeling well. The minute Jake got home Cash had both cars and remotes ready for him to "fix" and play. Unfortunately for Cash, Jake's idea of the game was much different than his. On these cars there are buttons on the side that you are supposed to try and hit with your car to make the other car's driver pop out. Well, Cash doesn't like to play that way. He just wants to take turns going. He wants to drive his car with Jake watching, then have Jake drive his car while Cash watches. Jake however likes to smash into Cash's car or simply chase Cash around the house with his car. Cash does not care for the car to get too close to him or his own car so he ends up picking up his car and running through the house yelling "no no dad!!!" Jake is thoroughly amused and Cash is not........ I'm not sure who the adult is and who the child is in this game.......

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Special Agent "Bra"-So

Again, I start by saying I have no words. I swear Cash comes up with this stuff himself...I'm not feeling well. So I admit I took my bra off in the living room and it was on the floor next to where I was laying. Dear Sweet Cash picked it up, and decided it was a back pack, and he was Special Agent Oso. That was it, he was off and running, literally. Of course in his mind he was flying. I couldn't help but find this hilarious, I'm not sure how comical Jake found it. I'll let everyone else be the judge.......
 You can see here, he's almost in flight with the help of his trusty "back pack".....ahhh, I love him........

Monday, January 24, 2011

Santa Cash

I have no words for my child. This year he fully grasped the concept of Santa Clause apparently. The other day he saw his Santa hat in his closet and asked me to get it down for him. I didn't think much of it. Well, this came out of his room today.......

"Ho Ho Ho Mommy! I'm Santa Plause! Merry Cwistmas!"

I died laughing! That is a pillow Jake bought me years ago. Now I guess it's Santa's Sack? I know, I know, he's in his 'Roos again, what can I say? Less laundry??

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Football, Food, and Friends

The weekend was pretty laid back. We hung around the house. (no surprise there) Cash has been really working on putting the sounds of his letters together. He's doing pretty well with it. Mom told me about a show on PBS called Word World and Cash is obsessed with it. It's really helping him with sounding words out and "building words". We played a lot of computer games, Sesame Street has become a hit on the computer. Cash asks to play "Momo" (Elmo) a few times a day.
Sunday Todd came over to watch football and I made egg rolls by  myself for the first time ever. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!  

Saturday, January 22, 2011

And where did the week go?

So, ya. I don't know what happened to Wednesday and Thursday. Cash and I didn't leave the house. (No surprise there) and we just hung out. Worked on some letters and putting them together to make sounds. Did piles and piles of laundary and that was pretty much that.
Wednesday evening Jake came home from work and it looked like he was holding something in his hand. I told Cash to ask Daddy what he had. (assuming it was candy)  Well, he had nothing. He was holding his hand weird because he had smashed his thumb with a hammer and it was really cold outside. His whole nail is purple and the pad of his thumb is HUGE! Our sympathetic son looked at it and said "your hurt your thumb Dad? Whoops! It happens!" and wondered off........ Guess we know what he hears when he gets hurt!

So Friday Jake and I had an appointment in Curlew and we left Cash with Todd. There was a basketball game but it was JV girls to technically Todd wasn't coaching. Cash was very excited to see Todd and play "basketball Hoops". I left him at the school while the varsity girls were having practice and Cash followed Todd around the gym carrying a basketball and mimicking his every move! If Todd leaned against the wall, so did Cash. It was too cute! Keep in mind the basketball he was carrying is bigger than his head!
So when I went to pick him up the games were in full swing. I go into the high school gym and my child is actually ON THE BENCH between the two coaches! The game only had 30 seconds to go but Cash saw me. Todd had to hold him back till the buzzer went off. Well, as soon as it did, Todd let him go with all the players still on the court! Cash goes streaking across the court to get to me and girls are trying not to trip over him on their way back to the bench! And of course, Cash trips and falls down and the crown gasps! He pops back up and keeps coming to me, but geez! Talk about a scene!
I get him home and he was SO excited to tell Jake and I about playing Basketball Hoops and show us his stamps from the game and the ball he got. I had to take a picture of it, and he was being quite the ham. He definitely had a good time!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I have been wanting an igallop for years. I first saw one when Jake and I were in Vegas 5 years ago and we were in the Brookstone store and they had one. Well back then they were $1200. Ya, not happening. So lately I've really been wanting to lose some jiggle and I remembered the igallop. So I did a little searching and they have come down in price to about $600 brand new, still not happening. But I love a good deal so I hit up Craig's List! I found one down by Misti for $100! She picked it up for me and as luck would have it Jerred and Amy were coming to Republic and they go right through Arlington and basically right by Misti's house!
By the time I got home Cash was a pro with it and knew how to work it! He thinks it's great fun and calls it Bullseye of course..... You all can laugh all you want but I'm sore as hell from doing the workout DVD I got with it!

So here is Cash, taking a ride on "Bullseye". That's my boy....What can I say......OH and I had to convince him he DID NOT need to put his cowboy boots on!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Monday

The weekend Finally ended! I was missing my boys like crazy and wanting to get home! So a quick trip to Costco, Big R, the Toyota store for an oil filter and of course Wal-Mart (had to get Rex) and I was home! I got to Chuck and Marsha's to pick up Cash and he was so happy to see me. He was ready to load up and go home which is not the norm when he's at the Wilson's. But he had spent 3 days there and Jake said he had a ruff morning wanting his mommy. I got him in the truck and he saw his Rex. Oh the joy! Chuck helped me get Rex out of the god for saken box, (why does it take 6 wires to hold in a toy? I mean really??) Cash was thrilled with Rex, said goodbye to Chuck and Marsha and as we drove out he saw Calvary (Marsha's horse) in the field and waved to her too.

We got home and I had to put the mounds of groceries away. By 6:30 Jake and I were laying on the couch and Cash was "chomping" around with Rex. All of the sudden he climbed up on the couch and lay down in front of me with his head on my cheek. Within an honest 3 minutes he was dead weight and out like a light, on my face!!! It was 7pm! The poor guy didn't have a nap and slept for a whole 12 hours Monday night.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Health and Beauty Spa Show

So the event arrived! We set up for the Health and Beauty Show Friday night and the show was all day Saturday and Sunday! I had Kerry there from True Colors Salon doing mini manicures with my Soapy Sugar Scrub and Lotions and people really liked that. Kerry does an awesome job. She does my hair and has become a really good friend. We had a great time together. Mom came by on Saturday for a while and thankfully brought her camera. I took mine but left my memory card in my computer at Republic!!!!! Later in the Afternoon Cassie came out and hung out with us. Sales were not what I was hoping for but I have noticed a jump in Facebook fans so that is something. We'll see what comes of it!
I spent one night with Cassie and Robert at their apartment and the rest of the time at Joe and Samantha's. It was really nice of them to let me crash there. I love my mom but her house is an extra 30 minutes past Samantha's and her road was a disaster all weekend so this worked really well for me having to be at the Community College.
Here are some pictures of the booth, again, thanks to mom!

In this last picture, I don't know if I'm cold, uncomfortable, or what but it totally looks like I'm praying for people to come to my booth! hahahahaha, funny!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Search for Bullseye

So Thursday night I was on the phone with Jake and Cash and Cash asked me to bring him home Bullseye. I didn't pay much attention to it until Jake tells him that yes, Mommy will bring home Bullseye for you. Along comes Friday Morning and Cash gets on the phone "Mommy you get my Bullseye??" and Jake informs me that the first thing out of his mouth when he got out of bed was "Where's my mama, she has my Bullseye?" Great, now I have to go get this thing or I will be the world's worst mother if I come home empty handed. So I head to Target, this should be no big deal. I just need to grab Bullseye. No luck at Target......Ok, On to Toys R Us, they have EVERYTHING right? Nope, the lady there tells me, "haha, those fly off the shelf the minute they come in" Are they kidding me? It's a toy horse! So I'm now annoyed and have got Samantha on the phone online trying to find one and have posted on Facebook about it and have friends trying to find one. Guess what, there isn't one in ALL of Spokane!!!!! I finally get someone in Couer D' Lane that says there "might" be one on the truck and to check back later that night.....Ummmm, no, I give up. I'm so mad at Jake at this point for even telling Cash I'll bring the silly thing home I'm ready to cry. I can get the Dinosaur. Rex is everywhere. So I call Jake and let him know it's time to start talking up Rex! I'm done with Bullseye and I have to get to the Community College and start setting up for my show!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Out with the Girls

Thursday night was tons of FUN! I was in Spokane for the Health and Beauty Show and Cassie suggested we try a restaurant down town called Sushi Maru (this link takes you to the Bellevue restaurant but you get the idea) It's located in the River Park Square and was probably the most fun I've ever had at a dinner in my life! Cassie and I went and met my friend/Hair Stylist Kerry there. We must have spent over 2 hours eating and laughing and we all left stuffed and each of us only spent $22! Hands down my new favorite place! The cool thing is that the sushi comes by on these little plates and each plate is colored according to how much that dish costs. At  the end of your meal the waitress just totals up your plates and that's your bill. The plates are small but it gives you a chance to try a lot more things versus ordering two or three normal size sushi rolls. It is just a really fun place and I HIGHLY recommend it!
Anyway, I left the boys home and Cash stayed with Chuck and Marsha while Jake was at work and then they were on their own after that. Things sounded like they were going well when I talked to them.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Time flies

So basically I lost a lot of days! What can I say, I'm new at this blogging stuff and I've fallen behind! I was consumed by getting ready for the Health and Beauty Show and I thought I had an amazing idea and would make Bath Bombs embedded with my Foaming Bath Cookies. Well, this idea "sorta" worked......
I guess I'll start from the beginning...... I wanted a fun shape, like a heart or a flower for Valentine's day. I did achieve this, sorta........... So here is my set up, I have everything out and measured and ready to go, yes with my little helper blowing me Fish Kisses.... What would I do without him.

So here we have the it, looks great right? Heart and Flower bombs with little hearts embedded. Unfortunately, they crumbled the moment they were touched. I was devastated. So I had no choice but to move on to plan B.
That's right, I went back to Old Faithful, and got out the PVC End Cap and just made them round with the Heart Embeds! Are they as cute as I originally planed? No. But they are still cute and the only bath bomb with any sort of embed I've ever seen!

With the left over Foaming Cookie "dough" I made extra hearts and "cookies" for the tub and decorated them for Valentine's Day. They are all scented with a little Lavender Essential Oil. Hopefully they will be a hit this season. They did fairly well at the Spokane show!

So this project along with wrapping up my soaps and packing up everything for the show is basically all I did Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I left for Spokane on Thursday! So like I said, Time flies!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A fun quiet Weekend

Saturday and Sunday were nice. I spent the day working on Bath products for my upcoming show and Jake got out Cash's train set that he was asking for. We got this for him for his 2nd birthday and he was really too young for it. But he really wanted it, so we got it out and he played with it for 5 straight hours!
Then we had Chuck and Marsha over for Indian Tacos. We had a good time and Cash fell in love with Chuck's cowboy hat. Then he went and got ALL of his cowboy hats and proceeded to wear them all at once.....yes, he's something else......

Looking at this picture makes me laugh. He has the Woody shirt on, the Woody hat among the other cowboy hats and the Toy Story chair in the no, he's not into Toy Story!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Such a fun day!

Today was a really fun day! I went with Marsha Wilson to Kamin Volluz's to get hair extensions! I had never seen the process done so it was really cool to see. I was SO nervous for Marsha. I've NEVER seen her with long hair so it was so drastic but in the end it turned out AMAZING! I left Cash with Chuck and he had a blast playing games and doing puzzles. Cash loves it at the Wilson house. He didn't want to come home!

I had to take this picture while Marsha was getting her hair done (I documented the whole process but on Marsha's camera) Kamin's baby Basil was getting fussy and didn't want me anymore so Kamin put her in the backpack and kept right on working! Talk about a working mama!!! I laughed so hard!

But it made Basil happy so that's what matters! Anyway, it was just a really fun day with some really fun girls. Lots of laughs and I totally enjoyed a "day out".
This picture really doesn't do it justice. It's crazy how awesome it looks. I should have taken one in better light. Marsha has some and I'm sure Kamin will post some on her business page Captivating Salon so be sure to check there for more and of all of the pictures of the whole process.

So we went back to Chuck and Marsha's house to pick up Cash and he looks at Marsha and says "Nice hair Marswa". I laughed so hard! After a little nap that he had a hard time waking up from Cash decided it was time for a little Angry Birds. It is really starting to bother me the way he zips around Jake's Ipod. I mean the kid is two. Should he really be playing with an Ipod?

Then the boots and glasses came out once again and he told me he was leaving. I heard "Bye Mom!" and this is what I saw..........

 And finally, at this very moment the little weirdo went and got his little computer and put it up on the counter and has climbed up in the other chair and informed me that he is "very busy" and is "typing" away on it....I don't know what I'm going to do with this kid................

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lids and labels and we're ready! I think they look great minus the pink lotion with the green lid but hey, ya can't win em' all! Over all I think they look good and the lotion/cream will be really nice in these jars. The squeeze bottles in the back are going to be for samples at the show.

 Like I said, "Angry Birds" is like crack, he doesn't even care that he's falling off the couch......Really kid???

This was a look...The glasses are his 3D glasses from a Toy Story coloring book he has. He has just discovered them and likes to wear them. The boots, well, that's pretty normal and it's not surprising that he's running around in his 'roos. A costume or 'roos is pretty much all he wears around the house, and if you look you can see his Superman costume behind him...What can I say, Free Spirit?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lotion and More Lotion

I spent most of the day today making a LARGE amount of lotion. And by large amount I mean 288 ounces! I have a big show coming up next weekend and am getting the last of my products made and ready to go. I'll be in Spokane at the Health*Beauty Show. It's a pretty big show so I'm getting really excited and nervous! My lotion came out a bit thick so I switched things up and instead of putting it in a squeeze bottle I put it in a jar. Anyway here is a picture of part of the process.

I made 6 different scents. Peppermint, Mojito, Pink Sugar, Peaches and Cream, Black Raspberry Vanilla and Coconut. This is the first time I've used any color in my lotions but I like the peach color and light pink the two turned out that I did color. Now I just need to add labels tomorrow!
Here are all the jars.

These are my samples. I take the little leftovers from my batches and put them in these packages. I really like how they have turned out. I'm looking forward to getting my lotion into and onto lots of people's hands with these!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Teaching him right!

I didn't want to switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer when I heard it  buzz. So jokingly I asked Cash to do it. His response was, "Oh, course, course!" And he marched right into the laundry room! I was cracking up and grabbed the camera. I was going to try and help him and he put his hand up and said "no mom, I do it.." And he did!!! All of it, by himself!
Pulling the clothes out all by himself! I couldn't believe he got the door open!

Making the transfer!

And yes, he even started it! Hahaha, LOVE this kid!

A lazy Sunday

Sunday we spent the day at home. We started the day really productive. Our pantry was such a dissaster that we could barley put our groceries in it! So Sunday morning we de-cluttered! We took 2 garbage bags of junk out and now it's nice and tidy! We started with such gusto and the day just slowed down from there! At one point all three of us were in different rooms watching different movies!!! hahaha, it was just that kind of day!

However, Jake and I have an obsession with the game Angry Birds, it's an app you can download on your phone or Ipod, and basically it's like crack....We can't stop playing it. Rob got us started on it, (our dealer if you will) and he has since beaten the game! Well Cash knows how to play! He likes to take Jake's Ipod and "play birds".
So we finished they day with Lobster Tails for dinner! I know, I know sounds a bit much, but we had no food in the house for New Year's Eve so we had frozen Pizza and New Year's Day we had Arby's late in the day so we weren't hungry for dinner. The tails were on sale and so it was our "Happy New Year" dinner just a few days late! Yum!

A trip to the "Big City"

New Year's day came and went. We spent the morning with Swade and when he left we headed to Colville for some MUCH needed groceries! It was a sunny day and somehow we didn't have any of Cash's 10 pair of sunglasses in the truck, so he put on a pair of Jake's safety glasses. God forbid the sun be too bright in his eyes! Well, next thing we knew this is what we had in the back seat!

Out like a light! It's a lot of work to be as cool as this kid!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Eve!

2011 here we come!

We started our day by taking down the tree. Cash was NOT happy about this. Before it came down I snapped a picture of him with his first advent calender. This was way more fun for all of us then I ever imagined it would be. It's by Eric Carle and it's a pop up Santa and tree and each day he opened up and ornament that went on the tree. Some days there were "gifts" that went in the boxes under the tree. Cash really got into "opening a number". It was our after dinner event!

Taking down the tree I tried to be as organized as possible. I put all my barbie ornaments away in their boxes and yes there are a lot of them. My Grandma Smith has been getting me the Hallmark Barbie for years now. Mom suggested I take a picture of them all so I did. Jake says pretty soon we are going to have to have a separate "Barbie Tree". Hahaha.

It's CRAZY cold here. Like I think the high was 15. So in the evening it's about 0. The dogs are none too impressed about this. They know they are not allowed on the couches or chairs (unless my mom or Greg are here) but it was so cold that just sat and stared at me, and looked so sad, and before I knew it, I had this......
So would think they had never been loved on in their lives....... Then Cash found his sticker book. I don't know why the stickers can't seem to go on the pages of the sticker book but they never seem to. He decided my leg was a great place for them. Who am I to argue?
We rang in the new year and actually stayed up to see it! Swade came up and he and Cash exchanged gifts. Well, I guess Swade and Buzz Light Year exchanged gifts....

 Buzz went to bed, late but there was no way he was staying up for the ball drop. The rest of us actually did manage to stay up and see Dick Clark do the count down. I have to say I was so impressed. It was sad yet so special and almost inspirational to see him there. That man is such an icon and even after all his health issues he still managed to make it for the for the "main event". I'm glad I got to see it one more time and truly appreciate it. So here we come 2011, ready or not.......