Cash has been full of new phrases and such lately. I thought I would take a minute to write them down.
We have finally taught him to say Monkey with the "mon" sound instead of the "fu" sound....
He is singing along with the songs he knows on TV. This includes the Mickey Mouse Club House song. Unfortunately it comes out "Mickey Mouse Crap House, come inside, fun inside". ahhh, it's funny every time...
He's been back talking a lot latley so one day Jake told him not to tell him "no" but to say "Yes Sir". I think Jake was joking but Cash has taken this to heart, so not only is he telling us both "yes sir" somewhere he picked up saluting to go along with it.....Charming......
When he is being agreeable his answer isn't "yes" it's "oh yes, course course".
There is a Farmer's Insurance commercial that comes on that ends with people singing "Bum, ba bum ba bum bum bum" It doesn't matter where he is in the house, if that commercial comes on he let's out a nice loud "Bum bum BUM!!!!"
Cash and his Uncle Robbie have this on going debate about who is awesome and who is a dork. It's to the point that Cash doesn't even say hello to him on the phone anymore. He just starts off with "I'm awesome! You a dork!" If he sees him on Skype, it's the same thing. It's funny coming from a two year old, I don't know why we expect more from Rob.....
A new discovery for Cash an Jake is Jake's Rapalla Fishing game on the Wii. Cash thinks it great fun to play fishing games with his dad. Well they were catching Crappie Fish. Cash informed he that he caught a "Crappy One".
Everything is either "nice" or "beautiful". He walked into my grandma's house and said "Oh, nice house." He's been there a million times......
If he's running, odds are his arms are stretched out in front of him, his head is down and he's yelling "Infinity and Beyond!"
He's started with "it's not fair" and "I promise" but he's not using them correctly.
And we need to work on "more" and "less" the other day he had a piece of candy and told us that he "needed one less."
Yes, he's entertaining, he makes us shake our heads and say "what did you just say?" on a daily basis.........
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Fun Presidents Day!
We spent Monday morning utilizing the fact that we have a good friend who coaches at the school. Cash has been having some serious cabin fever and the weather just isn't very nice to get out and do much. So we went in on Monday when there was no school and had the whole gym to ourselves! I had intended to get the baseball stuff out but we got there and Cash asked Todd to play "Soccer Ball" with him, so that's what we did. Todd even set up the goals for him! He loved it and yelled "Score! Goal!" every time he kicked the ball in! We also got out this enormous green ball that was literally taller than Cash was. That was fun to bounce around and roll on. Cash ran around that gym for 2 solid hours. He loved it. Thanks Todd!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Soaking up the Sun
And we're caught up! I'm actually blogging about today! Whoo hooo!
So today was awesome weather! We ventured outside to soak up some of that sunshine! Jake put up a target for me to practice with my paintball gun so I don't shoot the camper anymore........
So today was awesome weather! We ventured outside to soak up some of that sunshine! Jake put up a target for me to practice with my paintball gun so I don't shoot the camper anymore........
Ya, that wasn't the best thing ever......Funny, but not good....
Anywhoo....Cash really wanted to shoot too, but I don't want him playing with the paintball gun so I got him his play gun and of course if the sun is out he has to have glasses. He's so funny. He loved being out there with us. Then Jake found his Cork Gun......Oh the Joy........
He's so focused on stuff. It makes me laugh. He usually hears the camera turn on and then starts with the "Cheese!" and posing for the camera. Not this time...........
Cash loves "swimming" in the bath tub. He's been asking for his "swimming glasses" but I haven't been able to find them. I think they are buried under the Kayaks in the camper. Jake found these when he found the cork gun so they made him happy for the time being. He's such a water boy!
Last weekend we got out and went fishing! Cash was SO excited! We couldn't believe it when we pulled out of the driveway he yelled "Wait!! We need the camper!" I just don't think of a two year old remembering going camping and fishing 6 months ago but he sure does!
Cash had lots of fun running up and down the beach. We met Jake's dad and brothers down there, so Cash had great fun checking in on his Uncles and Papa every time one of them caught a fish. I ended up catching a good sized fish and Jake caught 3. It was fun and nice to get out.
Cash had lots of fun running up and down the beach. We met Jake's dad and brothers down there, so Cash had great fun checking in on his Uncles and Papa every time one of them caught a fish. I ended up catching a good sized fish and Jake caught 3. It was fun and nice to get out.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A present from Aunt Susy!
Aunt Susy went to Costa Rica and bought Cash a shirt. She sent a note saying she thought it "might" fit. Well, he's got room in it! hahahaha, he was pretty excited about it! Thanks Aunt Susy! Then for some reason Cash got the box out that the pizza came in and laid down on it.....then closed himself in it.....Why? We still don't know. Jake looked at him and said "why do we buy him toys" I have to say he brought up a valid point......
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tatto Fun!
Aunt Cee sent Cash a box of Toy Story Valentines that came with little tattoos. We gave some of the Valentines away on Valentine's day but is OBSESSED with the tatoos. On this day, we covered him in them! It was so funny. He loved it! Thanks Aunt Cee!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day arrived. We really didn't have any plans. I found a recipe that looked good and decided to go for it. It was hand down the BEST meal I've ever made! It was an Artichoke Stuffed Chicken Breast and it was DELISH! This is how it came out
So of course we opened Valentines. Cash got a Leapfrog Tag Reader. Jake got a Remote Control Flying toy called the Vectron Wave and I finally got the paint ball gun I've been asking for! I've been wanting a paintball gun for years to shoot the deer with and I finally have one with Pink paint balls! Nothing says "I love you" like a paintball gun!Cash got a 3D Valentine from Grammie. It was quite exciting for everyone! |
Cash and I finished out the evening by making brownies. Cash was so excited to decorate them. He helped me with the whole process. He's very much into "helping" these days.......
Happy Valentine's Day Dad!!! |
If that's not made with Love, I don't know what is!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Randomness in February
I don't know how it has gotten to be the 20th of February. But here we are. Cash has been up to his crazy shenanigans as usual. His new thing is that he knows how to use the camera feature in Jake's ipod and my phone. This may seem harmless and cute except for the fact that he has no sense of what's appropiate and what's not to take photos of. You want to take pictures of the dog, your toys, the TV that's all fine. Mom in her underwear doing her hair or dad's bare bum getting in the shower, not so good. Jake and I have quite tuned into that "click" sound. It's always interesting to pick up our devices and look through the pictures to see what's on there........
This was an interesting look. Once again, he was running around in 'roos and then started piling on the cowboy gear. Part of me thought this was really funny, and part of me was really disturbed by this. He looks a bit like a stripper. No mother wants their two year old to look like a stripper, but it's still kinda funny.........

We've really been working on taking turns. Cash got this game shortly after Christmas and would not play it correctly and it was just more of an "issue" than a game so it got put up. I got it back out and we tried again and he's really doing well with it and understanding. It's basically "Ker Plunk" but a Toy Story Version. You pull out the color stick that you get on the dice and you don't want the "aliens" to fall out. He really likes it and he pulls the correct color stick even. It's a good thing and we make it a "special" thing that we do together.
This was an interesting look. Once again, he was running around in 'roos and then started piling on the cowboy gear. Part of me thought this was really funny, and part of me was really disturbed by this. He looks a bit like a stripper. No mother wants their two year old to look like a stripper, but it's still kinda funny.........
We found him here one morning. Just enjoying some Mickey Mouse. Just like at the Drive-In.......
We've really been working on taking turns. Cash got this game shortly after Christmas and would not play it correctly and it was just more of an "issue" than a game so it got put up. I got it back out and we tried again and he's really doing well with it and understanding. It's basically "Ker Plunk" but a Toy Story Version. You pull out the color stick that you get on the dice and you don't want the "aliens" to fall out. He really likes it and he pulls the correct color stick even. It's a good thing and we make it a "special" thing that we do together.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
My Birthday
Yes, I know. I've fallen behind. So I'm going to go back and try and catch up! I hate that I've gotten so off track on this but I know I can do better. So here's the first step to getting on track!
My birthday! Cash was SO excited for my birthday which he referred to as "mommy's hooday" he just couldn't wait to have a "Hooday Party" with "Hooday Party Hats" and a "Hooday Party Cake". Mom and Greg came up for the weekend before and brought all the supplies.
Here are some highlights of the day.
Cash helped Grammie decorate.
This is the amazing Cake my mom made for me in the Cake class she took. It was SOOOOOO good!
He blew on the horn all day......Great idea mom!
Cash wouldn't take the hat off all day. Mom brought him some new puzzles to play with and he loved them! Thanks mom!
And of course, We had to be a bird with the hat!
Everyone at the "Hooday Party"
He had the hat on all day.......
I mean it, ALL day!!!!! hahaha, it was a good "Hooday"!
My birthday! Cash was SO excited for my birthday which he referred to as "mommy's hooday" he just couldn't wait to have a "Hooday Party" with "Hooday Party Hats" and a "Hooday Party Cake". Mom and Greg came up for the weekend before and brought all the supplies.
Here are some highlights of the day.
Cash helped Grammie decorate.
He blew on the horn all day......Great idea mom!
Cash wouldn't take the hat off all day. Mom brought him some new puzzles to play with and he loved them! Thanks mom!
Friday, January 28, 2011
A boy and his Jet Pack
After some thought, maybe my bra isn't the best "Jet Pack". Cash was asking for a back pack so he could fly like Oso. I'm not sure why he can't fly with his Buzz wings. Apparently those only suffice when he is Buzz Lightyear. When he is Special Agent Oso, he needs a back pack. Well the only back pack we have is one for grown ups. He made it work!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Race Cars
All day long Cash has been wanting to play with his remote control bumper cars with Jake. The batteries were about dead and to replace them it required a screwdriver and I just haven't been feeling well. The minute Jake got home Cash had both cars and remotes ready for him to "fix" and play. Unfortunately for Cash, Jake's idea of the game was much different than his. On these cars there are buttons on the side that you are supposed to try and hit with your car to make the other car's driver pop out. Well, Cash doesn't like to play that way. He just wants to take turns going. He wants to drive his car with Jake watching, then have Jake drive his car while Cash watches. Jake however likes to smash into Cash's car or simply chase Cash around the house with his car. Cash does not care for the car to get too close to him or his own car so he ends up picking up his car and running through the house yelling "no no dad!!!" Jake is thoroughly amused and Cash is not........ I'm not sure who the adult is and who the child is in this game.......
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Special Agent "Bra"-So
Again, I start by saying I have no words. I swear Cash comes up with this stuff himself...I'm not feeling well. So I admit I took my bra off in the living room and it was on the floor next to where I was laying. Dear Sweet Cash picked it up, and decided it was a back pack, and he was Special Agent Oso. That was it, he was off and running, literally. Of course in his mind he was flying. I couldn't help but find this hilarious, I'm not sure how comical Jake found it. I'll let everyone else be the judge.......
You can see here, he's almost in flight with the help of his trusty "back pack".....ahhh, I love him........
Monday, January 24, 2011
Santa Cash
I have no words for my child. This year he fully grasped the concept of Santa Clause apparently. The other day he saw his Santa hat in his closet and asked me to get it down for him. I didn't think much of it. Well, this came out of his room today.......
"Ho Ho Ho Mommy! I'm Santa Plause! Merry Cwistmas!"
I died laughing! That is a pillow Jake bought me years ago. Now I guess it's Santa's Sack? I know, I know, he's in his 'Roos again, what can I say? Less laundry??
"Ho Ho Ho Mommy! I'm Santa Plause! Merry Cwistmas!"
I died laughing! That is a pillow Jake bought me years ago. Now I guess it's Santa's Sack? I know, I know, he's in his 'Roos again, what can I say? Less laundry??
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Football, Food, and Friends
The weekend was pretty laid back. We hung around the house. (no surprise there) Cash has been really working on putting the sounds of his letters together. He's doing pretty well with it. Mom told me about a show on PBS called Word World and Cash is obsessed with it. It's really helping him with sounding words out and "building words". We played a lot of computer games, Sesame Street has become a hit on the computer. Cash asks to play "Momo" (Elmo) a few times a day.
Sunday Todd came over to watch football and I made egg rolls by myself for the first time ever. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!
Sunday Todd came over to watch football and I made egg rolls by myself for the first time ever. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
And where did the week go?
So, ya. I don't know what happened to Wednesday and Thursday. Cash and I didn't leave the house. (No surprise there) and we just hung out. Worked on some letters and putting them together to make sounds. Did piles and piles of laundary and that was pretty much that.
Wednesday evening Jake came home from work and it looked like he was holding something in his hand. I told Cash to ask Daddy what he had. (assuming it was candy) Well, he had nothing. He was holding his hand weird because he had smashed his thumb with a hammer and it was really cold outside. His whole nail is purple and the pad of his thumb is HUGE! Our sympathetic son looked at it and said "your hurt your thumb Dad? Whoops! It happens!" and wondered off........ Guess we know what he hears when he gets hurt!
So Friday Jake and I had an appointment in Curlew and we left Cash with Todd. There was a basketball game but it was JV girls to technically Todd wasn't coaching. Cash was very excited to see Todd and play "basketball Hoops". I left him at the school while the varsity girls were having practice and Cash followed Todd around the gym carrying a basketball and mimicking his every move! If Todd leaned against the wall, so did Cash. It was too cute! Keep in mind the basketball he was carrying is bigger than his head!
So when I went to pick him up the games were in full swing. I go into the high school gym and my child is actually ON THE BENCH between the two coaches! The game only had 30 seconds to go but Cash saw me. Todd had to hold him back till the buzzer went off. Well, as soon as it did, Todd let him go with all the players still on the court! Cash goes streaking across the court to get to me and girls are trying not to trip over him on their way back to the bench! And of course, Cash trips and falls down and the crown gasps! He pops back up and keeps coming to me, but geez! Talk about a scene!
I get him home and he was SO excited to tell Jake and I about playing Basketball Hoops and show us his stamps from the game and the ball he got. I had to take a picture of it, and he was being quite the ham. He definitely had a good time!
Wednesday evening Jake came home from work and it looked like he was holding something in his hand. I told Cash to ask Daddy what he had. (assuming it was candy) Well, he had nothing. He was holding his hand weird because he had smashed his thumb with a hammer and it was really cold outside. His whole nail is purple and the pad of his thumb is HUGE! Our sympathetic son looked at it and said "your hurt your thumb Dad? Whoops! It happens!" and wondered off........ Guess we know what he hears when he gets hurt!
So Friday Jake and I had an appointment in Curlew and we left Cash with Todd. There was a basketball game but it was JV girls to technically Todd wasn't coaching. Cash was very excited to see Todd and play "basketball Hoops". I left him at the school while the varsity girls were having practice and Cash followed Todd around the gym carrying a basketball and mimicking his every move! If Todd leaned against the wall, so did Cash. It was too cute! Keep in mind the basketball he was carrying is bigger than his head!
So when I went to pick him up the games were in full swing. I go into the high school gym and my child is actually ON THE BENCH between the two coaches! The game only had 30 seconds to go but Cash saw me. Todd had to hold him back till the buzzer went off. Well, as soon as it did, Todd let him go with all the players still on the court! Cash goes streaking across the court to get to me and girls are trying not to trip over him on their way back to the bench! And of course, Cash trips and falls down and the crown gasps! He pops back up and keeps coming to me, but geez! Talk about a scene!
I get him home and he was SO excited to tell Jake and I about playing Basketball Hoops and show us his stamps from the game and the ball he got. I had to take a picture of it, and he was being quite the ham. He definitely had a good time!
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